Code Of Ethics
Core Values
The work of Leap Gymnastics Club is based on the following principles:
Young People’s experience of sport should be guided by what is best for the young person. The stages of development and the ability of the young person should guide the types of activity provided within the club. Adults will need to have a basic understanding of the needs of young people, including physical, emotional and personal.
Integrity in relationships
Adults interacting with young people in sport should do so with integrity and respect for the child. There is a danger that sporting contexts can be used to exploit or undermine children. All adult actions in sport should be guided by what is best for the child and in the context of quality, open working relationships. Verbal, physical, emotional or sexual abuse of any kind is unacceptable within sport.
Quality atmosphere and ethos
Sport for young people should be conducted in a safe, positive and encouraging atmosphere. A child-centered ethos will help to ensure that competition and specialization are kept in their appropriate place.
All children should be treated in an equitable and fair manner regardless of age, ability, sex, religion, social and ethnic background or political persuasion. Children with disability should be involved in sports activities in an integrated way, thus allowing them to participate to their potential alongside other children.
Fair Play
Fair play is the guiding principle of the Code of Ethics and Good Practice for Children’s Sport.
All children’s sport should be conducted in an atmosphere of fair play. Ireland has contributed and is committed to the European Code of Sports Ethics, which defines fair play as: “much more than playing within the rules”. It incorporates the concepts of friendship, respect for others and always playing with the right spirit. Fair play is defined as a way of thinking, not just behaving. It incorporates issues concerned with the elimination of opportunities, excessive commercialization and corruption.
(European Sports Charter and Code of Ethics, Council of Europe, 1993).
A balanced approach to competition can make a significant contribution to the development of young people, while at the same time providing fun, enjoyment and satisfaction. However, often-competitive demands are placed on children too early, which results in excessive levels of pressure on them. This can contribute to a high level of drop out from sport. Leaders should aim to put the welfare of the child first and competitive standards second. A child-centered approach will help to ensure that competition and specialization are kept in their appropriate place.
Code of Conduct for Young Gymnasts
Leap Gymnastics Club wishes to provide the best possible environment for all young people involved in the sport. Young people deserve to be given enjoyable, safe sporting opportunities, free of abuse of any kind. These participants have rights, which must be respected, and responsibilities that they must accept. Young people should be encouraged to realize that they have responsibilities to treat other participants and sports leaders with fairness and respect.
Young gymnasts are entitled to:
- Be listened to
- Be believed
- Be safe and to feel safe
- Be treated with dignity, sensitivity and respect
- Participate on an equal basis
- Be happy, have fun and enjoy sport
- Experience competition at a level at which they feel comfortable
- Make complaints appropriately and be listen to
- Get help against bullies
- Say No
- To protect their own bodies
- Confidentiality
Young gymnasts should always:
- Treat Sports Leaders with respect.
- Play fairly at all times, do their best
- Respect team members, even when things go wrong
- Respect opponents, be gracious in defeat
- Abide by the rules set down by team coaches when traveling to away events.
- Behave in a manner that avoids bringing the sport of gymnastics into disrepute
- Talk to children’s officer if they have any problems.
Young gymnasts should never:
- Cheat – always participate by the rules
- Use violence and abusive language
- Shout or argue with officials, team mates or opponents .
- Harm team members, opponents or their property
- Bully or use bullying tactics to isolate another gymnast
- Use unfair or bullying tactics to gain advantage
- Take banned substances
- Keep secrets, especially if they have been caused harm
- Tell lies about adults / young people
- Spread rumours
Guidelines for Parents
Parents/guardians should encourage their children to participate in sport for fun and enjoyment. Parents should not attempt to meet their own needs for success and achievement through their children’s participation in gymnastics.
Parents should use the following guidelines:
Be a role model for your child and maintain the highest standards of conduct when interacting with children, other parents, with officials and organizers
Always behave responsibly and do not seek to unfairly affect the sport or gymnast
Never intentionally expose any young participant to embarrassment or disparagement by the use of flippant or sarcastic remarks
Always recognize the value and importance of the volunteers who provide sporting/recreational opportunities for your child. Do not publicly question the judgment or honesty of referees, coaches or organizers. Respect referees, coaches, organizers and other gymnasts.
Encourage your child to abide by the rules. Teach your child that honest endeavor is as important as winning and do all you can to encourage good sportsmanship.
Set a good example by applauding good display on both sides. Encourage mutual respect for teammates and other gymnasts.
Parents should support all efforts to remove abusive behavior and bullying behavior in all its forms.
Code of Conduct for parents:
- Respect the officials and their authority during sessions and events.
- Give encouragement and applaud only positive accomplishments whether from my child, his/her teammates, their opponents or the officials.
- Respect the rules and procedures set down in Leap Gymnastics Club Code of Ethics for Children in Sport.
- Respect my child’s teammates, leaders, (e.g.. coaches, officials, judges), and parents, as well as gymnasts, parents and coaches from opposing teams. I will encourage my child to treat other participants, coaches, selectors, and managers with respect.
- Respect my child’s leader(s) and support his/her efforts
- Never use threatening or abusive behavior or use foul language.
For a full copy of the Code Of Ethics please click here Code Of Ethics